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Do Not Amend NYC Administrative Code Section 12-126

November 5, 2022 pm30 2:55 pm


Sign the petition. (text below)


Then forward the petition.

Not enough?


Email your city council member this weekend. Then call them Monday. Emails and phone numbers are at the bottom of this page. Some ideas for messages are here.

The petition:

Dear Mayor Eric Adams, City Council Speaker Adrienne E. Adams, and Commissioner Renee Campion:

I strongly object to the proposed change to the Administrative Code Section 12-126 enabling the City to make Medicare Advantage the only premium-free retiree plan.   The current Medicare/Senior Care plan will then cost at least $200 a month per person.

 Changing Section 12-126 of the Administrative Code will seriously undermine the healthcare protections for all City workers.  It will allow the City to renegotiate the rate for everyone and place employees into different “classes” with reduced benefits eliminating the protections and equal treatment regarding health benefits that current and retired employees have now.   

I oppose the Administration’s planned reductions in health coverage through the privatization of Medicare for retirees as the City seeks to weaken the protections for all City workers in the Administrative Code.  The City has alternatives for managing rising health care costs. Instead of amending the Administrative Code, the City could use its purchasing power to go after hospitals for exorbitant charges, address the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, and audit current insurance providers. The burden should not fall on current workers, retirees, and their dependents.

Campion and Adams tried to pit in-service members against retirees. Mulgrew’s letter tried to pit in-service members against retirees.

In-service and retired workers, together

Except, they are threatening both groups, in-service, and retirees. And the best way to fight them is to stand together. That’s what this petition does. I urge you to sign.

Contact your City Council member

When you are done with the petition forward it to friends and family – then contact City Council

Don’t know who your Council member is? Look it up.

DistrictEmailMemberPhone Marte212-587-3159 Rivera212-677-1077 Bottcher212-564-7757 Powers212-818-0580 Menin212-860-1950 A. Brewer212-873-0282 Abreu212-928-6814 Ayala212-828-9800 Richardson Jordan646-960-1344 De La Rosa917-521-2616 Dinowitz718-549-7300 C. Riley718-684-5509 Velázquez718-931-1721 Ana Sanchez347-590-2874 Feliz718-842-8100 Stevens718-588-7500 Salamanca Jr.718-402-6130 Farías718-792-1140 Paladino718-619-6811 Ung718-888-8747 Moya718-651-1917 Cabán718-274-4500 Lee718-468-0137 F. Gennaro718-217-4969 Krishnan718-803-6373 Won718-383-9566 Williams718-776-3700 E. Adams718-206-2068 Schulman718-544-8800 F. Holden718-366-3900 N. Brooks-Powers718-471-7014 Ariola718-738-1083 Restler718-875-5200 Gutiérrez718-963-3141 Hudson718-260-9191 Ossé718-919-0740 Nurse718-642-8664 Avilés718-439-9012 Hanif718-499-1090 Joseph718-287-8762 Mealy718-953-3097 Barron718-649-9495 Brannan718-748-5200 Yeger718-853-2704 N. Louis718-629-2900 Narcisse718-241-9330 Kagan718-373-9673 Vernikov718-368-9176 Hanks718-556-7370 Carr718-980-1017 C. Borelli718-984-5151
16 Comments leave one →
  1. Christopher DeNigris permalink
    November 6, 2022 pm30 1:29 pm 1:29 pm

    People give their whole lives to a terrible system that mistreated them only to be mistreated and retirement let’s get real we are living in the only developed nation in the world that would consider something like this. Treat people with humanity enough is enough who would want to work for the New York City department of education with the treatment they give current and former teachers.

  2. Anonymous permalink
    November 6, 2022 pm30 2:12 pm 2:12 pm

    Please do not change sections 12-126 of the administrative code

  3. Patricia Torres permalink
    December 12, 2022 am31 6:03 am 6:03 am

    I’m confused. According to union and Mulgrew the present code does not leave enough room for negotiation to keep free premium plans like GHI CBP. The city will hear us out but ultimately they will fight to give us less options and force us to take Advantage care which has limitations and if we want something like we have now like GHI we will have to pay a premium for it.

    If we call and ask to amend or change code, we have a chance to come up with something similar to GHI with the help of insurance companies where we don’t have to pay premium. As it stands now the language of this code enables the city to do what it wants with us.

    I just hope the union negotiates and comes up with a no premium plan comparable to the one we have now without any reductions or limitations.
    They are saying if we don’t change the code we are at the mercy of the city and we will not have a choice but to sign up for advantage health or pay a premium. . If we want that choice we will have to pay for it or sign up for advantage care which will save $$ for city and union.

    They said police were against the change. Please advise. I am a recent retiree.

    • December 12, 2022 am31 6:25 am 6:25 am


      we have to ask why Adams and the Office of Labor Relations are pushing so hard to amend the code? Do New York City’s financial people desperately want to preserve the UFT’s negotiating rights (like Mulgrew says)?

      Or does amending the code let them get back to forcing retirees into Medicare Advantage?

      Only one of those makes sense – and its not the line that Mulgrew is scaring people with.

  4. Anonymous permalink
    December 15, 2022 pm31 10:44 pm 10:44 pm

    For 55 years city employees, retirees and their family have not paid for their city health care because of 12-126. If you amend (change) it, you’ll have no protection from paying a monthly premium.

  5. Margaret permalink
    December 23, 2022 am31 8:02 am 8:02 am

    My question is who do I write to in the city council IF I no longer live in the city but moved to a smaller NYS city? I lived and worked in Staten Island schools and Manhattan , prior to retirement. I want to support the fight to preserve Medicare and SeniorCare.
    I was finally illuminated about the tense and very confusing UFT and the retiree chapter meetings that I attend remotely. Living at a distance, it’s been hard to decipher just what’s going on and I have only recently been reacting suspiciously to UFT president Mulgrew’s strange and disturbing manner as he addresses retirees’ appropriately serious concerns about health insurance. It seems that Mulgrew is only content in interactions that support his views, which many hastily do ,soothing him by expressing their gratitude to the union and him, personally, after a previous speaker has differed.
    I have been keeping an open mind in these proceedings, while noting all that I‘ve described and becoming increasingly alarmed. However, in the UFT meeting this month, I finally realized my union had betrayed me when I caught The Lie. I heard my union president, Michael Mulgrew affirming and reaffirming something I knew was not true. The NYC Medicare Advantage Plan did not collapse and fail due to the city or the insurance poor rollout. It was union leadership’s fault for not speaking to their members – including and especially,the retirees -directly ,beforehand and all along , about something so crucial to their lives. To have suddenly learned from other outside sources about being switched to an Medicare Advantage Plan without our prior knowledge or input, is the source of the ensuing confusion and mistrust that led to the Plan’s delay and ultimate failure. But more significantly, the greater damage is to our union and the union movement. Long after Mr. Mulgrew has been retired or recalled from his leadership position in the UFT union and the MLC , this betrayal will be remembered , and the UFT and maybe other municipal unions will no longer enjoy the easy faith and trust of the workers. Coming from a union family, this hurts.
    How do I donate to fund court efforts, etc to prevent being forced into Medicare Advantage ?
    Thank you for the background information you’ve provided.


  1. Save Our Healthcare – | JD2718
  2. Does Mulgrew have a Plan B? | JD2718
  3. Big Picture vs Misdirection – Admin Code 12-126 | JD2718
  4. Busy Tuesday 11/22/22 – Budget Cuts, 12-126 | JD2718
  5. UFT policies are decided by a vote. But not when Mulgrew’s losing? | JD2718
  6. Why did Campion write the 10/28 Office of Labor Relations Letter on Health Care? | JD2718
  7. Battle Against Medicare Advantage – Updates | JD2718
  8. Was 2018 the Worst Bad Deal Ever? | JD2718
  9. More Collusion and Attempted Bullying by OLR/UFT/MLC | JD2718
  10. UFT Retired Teachers Chapter meeting erupts | JD2718

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