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I’m Sticking with the Union

December 17, 2023 pm31 12:05 pm

I got a slick-looking promo in the mail this week – a 6″ x 9″ folded, colorful piece – offering to save $850 a year – if I quit my union.

Hell, no!

Post-Janus, teachers no longer have to belong to their union, or to pay an agency fee. But most, the overwhelming majority, have stayed. But there is a lurking threat. And there are right-wing, anti-worker groups that have their sights set on destroying us.

The Freedom Foundation is who sent me the promo. The postcard (that I am not filling out!) looks like it is addressed to NYSUT, but actually goes to these rightwing frauds, authorizing them to disenroll you from your union. Don’t be fooled.

Our union, imperfect as it may be, is a vital part of our working selves. Any rights we have – were won through the union. And without the union the employer (the DoE) would be unconstrained from taking those rights back. When the union does not seem to fight hard enough, that’s a reason we should work to get it to fight harder. But make no mistake – our work would be far, far worse without our union. I’m sticking with the union. You should, too.

Right after Janus the Freedom Foundation and similar scum tried to undermine our unions. At least in NYC, with the UFT, they completely failed. Teachers knew not to quit. And new teachers still signed their union cards.

They will probably fail just as badly this time. Teachers should not be fooled by the dollar sign – this is anti-union crap.

But it is a hard fight. And it does not help that the union leadership has done some pretty lousy stuff. Exhibit A has to be the fight over medicare. Why would Michael Mulgrew want to force retirees, against their will, into Medicare Advantage? Why institute copays? Why remove popular Borough Rep Amy Arundell, and refuse to discuss the move? (sign here) And there’s more. It certainly feeds into a sense of cynicism – which could lead some teachers to misguidedly fall for the Freedom Foundation’s garbage. When Unity makes bad moves, it makes it harder with those of us, deeply loyal to the union, as we fight on behalf of the union.

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  1. Anonymous permalink
    December 17, 2023 pm31 3:17 pm 3:17 pm

    People are completely fed up with the Uft, but will not drop out because of some kind of slick advertising. They will, however, drop out on their own terms. There seems to be no realistic method to change things with the UFT due to a defacto dictatorship from its head and his party – even though things are getting worse and worse. Whether it be retirees or working teachers, the union has become unwilling to help its members. as new employees start to catch on, they will feel no obligation to support it. As the retirees are betrayed time and time again, they also become less apt to do so, even with reduced rate dues. There is only so far gratitude will go, in reference to the good the union has done in the past, with people that are long gone from its leadership. Well, this is most certainly a depressing scenario that should be a wake up call for Mr. Magoo and friends.

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