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The UFT Retiree Election and “Unusual Activity”

May 19, 2024 pm31 3:33 pm

My Gmail on my phone stopped updating. Wednesday. Somehow I’d been signed out. So I signed back in, just to learn that Google was threatening to disable my account. “Unusual activity.” Cleared that up right away, restored access no problem. The issue? I sent so many emails about the UFT Retired Teachers Chapter election, along with hundreds of flyers, that I triggered some algorithm. Since I am getting so many positive responses, I am encouraged to keep reaching out to more retirees. My account is back. I am fine.

Early this week we (Retiree Advocate) got a strange report. There were people handing out Unity flyers in front of the Brooklyn UFT Office, trying to catch Si Beagle participants. Unity does not flyer retiree events! They seem to be sweating this election. This is unusual activity.

Last week I got a flyer in the mail. Not my ballot. A Unity election flyer. They paid for an extra flyer. It wasn’t very good, but they paid for it. They never pay extra for retiree elections. Unusual activity.

Last Tuesday my Facebook Messenger stopped working. You guessed it – unusual activity. I was messaging every UFT retiree I know. Facebook slowed me down. The service came back on Thursday.

I’ve gotten several texts, emails, and messages asking me to vote for Retiree Advocate. What? I’m asking people to vote for Retiree Advocate? Why are people asking me? Friends of friends. Someone asked someone to ask someone to ask someone to ask every UFT retiree they know to vote Retiree Advocate. We are all reaching out, in a way that does not usually happen. Unusual activity.

In this case, the unusual activity is a Very Good Thing. Keep it up!

Make sure to vote for Retiree Advocate.

And then make sure to make sure *everyone else votes for Retiree Advocate.

* Friends, former colleagues, relatives, members of social organizations or clubs, neighbors – literally every retired UFT member you know. Call, text, email. You don’t usually contact so many people? Do it. Just for this election. You know, “unusual activity.” 😉

2 Comments leave one →
  1. joannacatherina permalink
    May 19, 2024 pm31 9:28 pm 9:28 pm

    Hi Jonathan

    I didn’t receive my ballot as of Saturday, May 18th.



  2. meambrosio permalink
    May 20, 2024 am31 9:24 am 9:24 am


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