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December 13, 2007 pm31 4:25 pm

I’ve been dragging. Partly sick for three weeks. Working, better, but not all the way better. Behind on everything. And behind on blogging.

Natives dragging a bearded seal, Bering Strait, Alaska, May 1922

I’ve noticed that I’m not the only one… NYC teacher bloggers calling in “semi-sick” is probably the tip of the iceberg. Nasty political season. Teachers and schools getting picked on, overwhelmed, and just starting to fight back. It’s demoralizing. It’s exhausting.

I’ll try to get back to blogging in the next few days, but it might not be until vacation. Thanks for understanding.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. December 13, 2007 pm31 7:41 pm 7:41 pm

    I can read you again.

    Hope you feel better.

  2. ms. v permalink
    December 14, 2007 am31 7:39 am 7:39 am

    Hope you feel better… the day off did me worlds of good. I recommend it. :-) Or draw something. It’s working for me.

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