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December 9, 2007 pm31 11:59 pm

I found these interesting. You might, too.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. December 10, 2007 am31 2:01 am 2:01 am

    I’m glad you think my whiny little post was interesting!

  2. December 10, 2007 am31 2:04 am 2:04 am

    I’m not such a bad guy in real life. Thanks for reading my post!

  3. December 10, 2007 am31 5:25 am 5:25 am

    You don’t whine too often. Made this one notable.

    And, Scott, you get points for covering classes, and for the math. Funny, I just lost an adiministrator blog (G-town talks, on the right, under education – she went from being a principal to superintendent, and had nothing left to say).

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